This policy outlines who our partners are and how your data is used by Lemmy.
Lemmy's chatbot service allows users to connect with third-party services for personalized responses. You may use the service for your personal or business use, subject to our Terms of Service.
Lemmy Ltd, including employed and contracted developers, will not access raw and stored user data from 3rd party connections for any purpose, even if it's held on our servers. Processed data including questions, answers and data used to produce these can be shared with Lemmy for a maximum of 30 days in order to evaluate performance and when a user opts to provide feedback. Users on our premium tier plans have the option to further remove all sharing of data, including all analytics and feedback.
We use both session cookies and persistent cookies on our website. Session cookies are temporary and are deleted when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your device until they expire or are deleted.
We also use first-party cookies and third-party cookies on our website. First-party cookies are set by us, while third-party cookies are set by third-party services that we use on our website.
We use OpenAI's GPT-4 API for certain parts of the answer generation. This means that sensitive data can be sent securely to their servers and will be handled in accordance with their own policies.
We use Anthropic's Claude V2 API for certain parts of the answer generation. This means that sensitive data can be sent securely to their servers and will be handled in accordance with their own policies.
Our cloud server infrastructure is provided by Amazon Web Services. Data is stored on their servers.
Pinecone is used as a database to store 3rd party data and will be handled in accordance with their own policies.
Lemmy's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy , including the Limited Use requirements.